Parental pressure influencing future decisions

As graduation approaches, the question of “what do you want to be when you grow up?” becomes increasingly more serious with several decisions and implications. Parents greatly influence their children’s career selection process. Work ethic, family values and gender stereotyping in the family may have greater impact than previously thought. When it comes to making decisions for the future, there is a lot to consider. Should students take their parents’ opinions and wants into consideration?

Parents’ expectations play a big role in the academic progress of their children. The closer the relationship between parents and the child, the more influence they have. Support from parents helps students set bigger goals and have the confidence they need to reach their full potential. The pressure applied by parents comes with good intentions–they want their kids to go down the right path. 

Too much pressure and high expectations can leave students feeling overwhelmed and defensive. Not wanting to disappoint parents creates a fear of failure. Too much pressure and high expectations might make the child feel like they will never be good enough, so they sometimes give up. 

Without any academic pressure from parents, students might not see the importance of education and won’t have the motivation to succeed. Typically, levels of education and career paths are continued in families from generation to generation. Expectations tend to be passed down but can change with self motivation and peer pressure. Having a strong support system increases chances of success and leads students in the right direction. 

Some might think that kids should listen to their parents’ advice because they have more life experience but it can be less helpful than intended. Students are going to go out in the world and have their own experiences and make their own mistakes. Making mistakes is how we learn and sometimes there’s no way to prevent that. 

Financial assistance from parents is incredibly helpful and appreciated, but it puts pressure on the student to make decisions with their parents wishes in mind. Sadly students often have to make compromises for what they want compared to their parents’ expectations.

Students have their own needs and wants and they should be able to pursue the career choice they desire. Parents might have different plans for their child but it isn’t their life.  Students might feel obligated to alter their plans to make their parents happy, even though it’s not what they really want. They might go to a specific school or pursue a certain career path in order to make their parents proud. The right amount of pressure and support can lead to success, but too much can lead to distress.