Flashing lights, cutting metal and welding objects together is an everyday occurrence in Tom Hull’s Manufacturing classes. Hull, who began his teaching career at South Umpqua High School, enjoys his job and has been teaching at Marshfield for eight years.
“I just love it,” Hull said.
Hull offers four classes at Marshfield: Manufacturing I, II, III and IV. Hull sometimes makes exceptions for specific students so they can bypass some of the lower level classes to get into Manufacturing IV, but he recommends that students to fulfill the entire sequence.
Manufacturing students tackle many different projects, including repairing bar stools for the All-American Pizza Coop pizza parlor and a Hydro Electric Generator owned by Lionel Youst. One original project is the creation of new hand rails for Pete Susick Stadium which was finished last year. Now, students want to install the same hand rails in the visitors stands. The students also build and sell granite tables to help cover the costs of steel.
“Sometimes we sell them. Other times the students keep them and some we put around the school,” Hull said.
Sophomore Tyson Carver is currently in Manufacturing IV. He said the most enjoyable thing he has built thus far is a granite table he was allowed to keep and bring home. Carver enjoys manufacturing and has considered pursuing it after high school.
“Possibly. I was planning on going to ITT Tech,” Carver said.
Senior James Webb is in his fourth year in Manufacturing at Marshfield. Webb plans on going to SWOCC and then to a trade school to pursue welding as a career. He plans on continuing Manufacturing IV through the rest of his senior year. He is currently working on a full sized steel deer for a competition.
“It has been kind of challenging to put together,” Webb said.
Sophomore Sasha Strain is in her second semester of Manufacturing IV. She took Manufacturing I her first semester at Marshfield and then skipped straight to Manufacturing IV second semester of her freshman year. She is currently working on a granite table and is almost finished with it. Sasha has no plans on pursuing manufacturing as a career; however she plans on taking Manufacturing IV for the rest of her time at Marshfield.
“It’s a very fun class,” Strain said. “You get to take stuff apart and put things together.”
Hull has had a passion for manufacturing since high school and plans to continue to teach for many years to come.
“It’s a great job. The best job I’ve ever had,” Hull said.