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The Student News Site of Marshfield High School

The Marshfield Times

The Student News Site of Marshfield High School

The Marshfield Times

The Student News Site of Marshfield High School

The Marshfield Times

Ivy Potter

Ivy Potter, Reporter

Freshman Ivy Potter is a first year journalism staff member. Outside of journalism, she is also a part of the Marshfield High School Speech & Debate Team, and plans to participate in plenty of extracurriculars this coming year. Ivy explores many hobbies in her free time but is most passionate about her writing. Ivy is a tried and true Oregonian, and intends to be one for the entirety of her life beyond highschool. Though it’s far into the future, Ivy plans to attend University of Oregon upon her graduation, and hopefully transfer into law school once her time there is over. Law has always been an aspiration of Ivys, and she plans to shift her schoolwork and personal life to help benefit those goals that she sets. She can’t wait for the coming school year, and intends to put plenty of time, work, and passion toward her curriculars, Journalism in particular.

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The Student News Site of Marshfield High School
Ivy Potter