Jazz band, a hidden gem in the Marshfield chest of treasures, has been rekindled through the reappearance of band teacher John Kruse. The jazz program has a lot of passion and energy this year full of inspiring students. These passionate students go berserk over music, willing to make some sacrifices to do what they love.
“Everyone supports each other and we all have fun playing the music,” said freshman member Dannicka Gauvain.
The jazz band class is overflowing with inspiration from the teacher, students, music, and even siblings. Kruse has made an impact at Marshfield High School through his joyful nature and passion for music. The students say that he is very approachable and that he excels at giving critiques without being too harsh.
The students in the jazz program that are outgoing and full of energy inspire their peers to work harder and focus more on their Instruments. These students are all in, they take time out of their week to play music at football games and go to practice in the morning before school. Even some siblings through pleading and prodding have convinced their predecessors to join the Jazz band, creating a legacy. One such legacy was created by Trevor Robbins.
“My brother encouraged me to join jazz band my freshman year and I’ve been in it since,” said Kailani Robbins, sister of the famous, recently graduated Trevor Robbins.
Jazz bands are just like any sport that have competitions. The Marshfield High School Jazz Band goes to a few competitions every year. At competitions they play some of their best pieces in front of a group of judges, and these judges then give a score based on technique, sound, and performance. The judges also give some critiques so that the bands can improve. After competing bands get to listen to the other bands play their music.
“All in all it is a very enjoyable experience and I look forward to competitions every time,” Robbins expressed.
The jazz band includes many instruments and students from all ages. The instruments in the jazz band include the alto sax, tenor sax, drums, trumpet, trombone, bass guitar, and keyboard. Freshmen members include: Yesica Denova-Lopez, Tobias Dresser, and Lesley Rodriguez-Castillo on alto sax, Dannicka Guavain on drums, Summer Green on bass, Hailey Lessley on trumpet, and Alexis Stoffers on trombone. Sophomores members include: Alan Cabudol on tenor sax, Aiden McNamee on bass, and Charles Hatch on keyboard. Junior members include Corey Olsen on trumpet, Kailani Robbins on alto sax, and Jackson Sunne on trombone. The solo senior jazz band member is Donald Kercher on trumpet.
Kruse devotes his time and effort to the students at MHS through his work with the band. The students say he tries his best to have everyone succeed and they have nothing but compliments to give. Kruse has loved music since his first piano lessons back in sixth grade. Since then he has expanded his music portfolio and can play many instruments, but he has mastered the low brass section. He took a break from teaching, but after a couple of years, came out of retirement.
“The music is still in me,” Kruse said.
Jazz band is a class for the musicians that are willing to give tons of effort and it requires hours of practice and dedication. If willing to persevere there are rewards that come from participating in the jazz band. The amount of music that you can learn is immense and Kruse provides resources to play it all. The band is passionate about what they do, regardless of regional success. They pride themselves on their unity and respect for each other. They are a rich treasure of MHS–a depth of wealth that grows with every single new participant that joins.
“Jazz band is the dessert of bands,” said Kruse. “Why wouldn’t our school have one?!”